App Marketing Tips from Amazon

You have just finished your latest game or mobile app and you think it is going to be the next big thing! BUT how is anybody going to find your app. Hundred of apps are released each day and look at the size of your phone screen – how many apps do you scroll though…....

Major Shootout

Fierce Fun recently developed a game for the online sports portal Pundit Arena. Pundit Arena has created one of Europe's fastest growing sports publishing platforms that allows the mass creation of quality content across all sports throughout the world. They required an Irish sports themed game that would primarily work on mobile Web browsers. They...

Games for Marketers

Fierce Fun is presenting a talk at the National Sales and Marketing Summit which is being held on 30th May in RDS, Dublin. This conference focuses on the fundamental changes occurring between how buyers and sellers interact at both a consumer and business level. The Sales & Marketing Summit is collocated with Grow Your Business...

Advergaming, Branded Games and Marketing Games

Advergaming, branded games, marketing games as part of the marketing mix are increasingly making their presence known world wide. This kind of marketing connects with the consumer in a fun but casual way, on all types of devices, but primarily on mobile devices. It seeks to provide positive experiences for the players or players, this in turn...

AgriKids Mobile Game

AgriKids needed a mobile game developed to highlight farm safety for young children. The mobile game is designed to complement their full range of safety products including books and clothing. For full coverage of potential mobile users, the game had to work on Android and Apple phones and tablets. The beautiful graphics were supplied by...

Interactive Banner Ad Game

The online sales team at Independent News & Media required an interactive game that would fit their banner ad format. The game needed to work seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices. Using our HTML5 game software, Fierce Fun created the banner ad game in a very short period as it was needed as part...

Game Development Services

Fierce Fun offers comprehensive Web and mobile games development service for digital publisher and advertisers. In our games library, we have 4 different games types: - Rebranding Complete Games - Prototype Games - Custom Games - Premium Mobile GamesRebranding: Complete GamesA complete game is a finished game, normally in a Web format. Standard Rebranding:•    Name change•    Logo change•    Links...

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